Open Access

Table 2

Calculated parameters of the plant before optimization.

Stream P (bar) T (C) h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg K) m (kg/s) ex (kJ/kg)
1 45.2 490 3416.816 6.9996 33.194 1390.67
2 43 482.0056 3400.963 7.0009 33.194 1374.438
3 0.0077 40.7871 2367.971 7.5816 25.4339 173.1972
4 0.0077 40.8027 170.8307 0.5829 27.9323 3.9239
5 0.78 40.8028 170.894 0.5831 27.9323 3.9349
6 0.78 92.8064 388.7757 1.225 35.6928 35.8192
7 56.7 93.4037 395.6039 1.2277 35.6928 41.8507
8 52.87 128.8063 544.7169 1.6171 35.6928 78.1345
9 49.04 148.0364 626.5643 1.817 35.6928 102.0624
10 45.21 178.5006 758.3955 2.1202 35.6928 146.0624
11 11.72 314.6094 3078.733 7.0998 1.9448 1023.532
12 11.72 156.1706 659.3151 7.9036 1.9448 109.7232
13 5.285 232.5196 2923.566 7.1744 1.1469 846.7699
14 5.285 131.8363 554.3964 1.6538 3.0918 77.2115
15 3.09 184.8363 2834.156 7.2314 2.0282 740.829
16 3.09 99.7063 418.0167 1.3035 5.12 42.3125
17 0.78 92.8054 2637.278 7.3692 2.6409 504.0494
18 45.21 275.7234 23.546 2.8639 2.4985 295.7191

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