Efficient transient dynamic analysis of a crane bridge subjected to shake table tests using non-linear substructuring S. Li, M. Brun and A. Gravouil Accepted: 03/02/2025
A novel Multiple Improved Envelope Spectra via Feature Optimization gram (MIESFO-gram) for diagnosis of compound fault signatures M. Yazdanianasr, A. Mauricio and K. Gryllias Accepted: 22/07/2024
Dynamic analysis of crank slider mechanism considering 3D translational joint clearance based on variable contact area W. Yuan, L. Juan, N. Fengping, C. Chao, Z. Lei and L. Hui Accepted: 09/01/2025
Wavelet-based high order spectrum for local damage diagnosis of gears R. Zhu, G. Mousmoulis and K. Gryllias Accepted: 20/09/2024
Development of an integrated engineering education model using multi-body closed system modeling, computational analysis, and signal processing analysis Y. Park Accepted: 04/12/2024
On Modelling Of The One Dimensional Pseudoelastic Effect Of Shape Memory Alloys I. ZIDANE and B. Meddour Accepted: 31/12/2024
Empirical formulation for bead shape prediction in direct energy deposition G.Y. Baek Accepted: 18/12/2024
Parametric-modeling-based multi-objective thermoelastic optimization of rudder structures G.H. Shi, Y.H. Bao, W.H. Wu, G.Q. Guo, Y. Lin, X.P. Zhang and R. Tao Accepted: 13/01/2025