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Evolution of the surface quality and tool wear in the high speed turning of Al2219/n-B
Nano metal matrix composites
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Investigation on the machinability of Biochar reinforced AA5083 Metal Matrix composites fabricated by stir casting technique
Tool wear of DLC coating as top-layered to CrN, TiAlSiN, TiAlN coatings in machining of steel and aluminum alloys
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Machining of ceramic matrix composites: Challenges in surface integrity
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Experimental investigation on mechanical properties of stir casted aluminum SiC metal matrix composites
A critical review on tool wear mechanism and surface integrity aspects of SiCp/Al MMCs during turning: prospects and challenges
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Effect of Dispersoid Volume and T6 Heat Treatment on the Tribological Behaviour of Spray-Formed 2014Al-SiCp Composites
Studies on microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of hybrid Al-4032 AMC reinforced with SiC and granite marble powder
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Development of Al-SiCp nano composite material and study of its machining process using coated carbide inserts