Issue |
Mécanique & Industries
Volume 7, Number 5-6, Septembre-Décembre 2006
Page(s) | 487 - 495 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 21 March 2007 |
Étude du formage superplastique de couvercles en 3D par la méthode des sections critiques
A 3D study of the superplastic forming of lids by the method of the critical sections
Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University),
Dep. of Mathematical Simulation,
3/12, B. Trehsviatitelskiy per.,
109028 Moscow, Russia
AIRBUS France, Materials and Processes, 316 route de Bayonne, 31931 Toulouse Cedex 9,
SOGETI HIGH TECH, Consulting, 1 chemin de la Crabe, 31025 Toulouse Cedex,
Auteur de correspondance :
Reçu :
Accepté :
Ce travail étudie le problème de la simulation mathématique du formage superplastique. Un algorithme original a été développé afin de permettre la résolution du système provenant de la méthode des éléments-finis, en se basant sur les sections orthogonales critiques. Des études expérimentales ont été menées et ont permis l'estimation de la corrélation entre les prévisions numériques et les données expérimentales. Les résultats obtenus et les algorithmes retenus permettent d'améliorer de façon substantielle l'efficacité et la rapidité du travail pour la conception de nouveaux procédés et la modernisation des procédés de formage dans des conditions de superplasticité. Le matériau utilisé est un TA6V.
While developing the technological processes for isothermal gas forming of the complicated shape shells, it is very important to have the information about the progression of the shape changes, and to be able to predict thinning of a shell and filling of die cavities. These problems are solved using computer simulation. Creating a complex 3-dimensional mathematical model for this simulation is not always justified as it leads to a significant labor cost resulting from both data preparation and subsequent calculations. In order to obtain the essential estimates for the above-mentioned technological processes and for the optimization of pressure and temperature parameters, it is more practical to use simplified 2.5D models. This allows analyzing significantly larger number of feasible parameter sets in search for the optimal solution. It turns out that in many cases these estimates are practically acceptable except for extremely complex die patterns. For the most critical parts, after getting an initial estimate solution, one can carry out additional calculations utilizing a full 3D model. This approach reduces to a minimum the number of prototypes of forming trials. In this paper, we introduce a new technique estimating progressive shape changes for 3-dimensional shells based on the generalized cross-sections method.
Mots clés : Simulations numériques / superplasticité / formage / optimisation / section orthogonale critique
Key words: Numerical simulations / superplastic forming / optimisation / critical orthogonal sections
© AFM, EDP Sciences, 2007
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