Issue |
Mechanics & Industry
Volume 21, Number 1, 2020
Article Number | 106 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 January 2020 |
Regular Article
Study on fatigue strength of SnSb11Cu6 babbitt-steel bimetal sliding bearing material prepared by MIG brazing
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, PR China
Chongqing Hongjiang Machinery Co., LTD., Chongqing 402162, PR China
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The babbitt-steel bimetal sliding bearing material prepared by the MIG brazing has been applied in many fields. In the application, usually only the bonding force is tested, and the fatigue strength is not evaluated. For this reason, this study referred to the test method for the fatigue strength of bearing materials of internal combustion engines, used the sapphire test machine (Dana Glacier Vandervell Bearings, UK) to inspect the SnSb11Cu6 babbitt-steel bimetal material prepared by MIG brazing, and analyzed the test results in depth. The test results show that, the fatigue strength of the bimetal material is more than 40 MPa. In comparison, according to the same test method and conditions on the same sapphire test machine, the fatigue strength of the SnSb11Cu6 babbitt-steel bimetal bearing material obtained by the centrifugal casting method after optimizing process was usually around 35 MPa. Therefore, the MIG brazing could produce higher fatigue strength for SnSb11Cu6 babbitt-steel bimetal bearing material. In addition, in this study, the process of fatigue failure was usually that after the microcracks were generated on the surface, they expanded to the inside of the lining, thereby resulting in spalling. This study has guiding significance for engineering practice and scientific research.
Key words: Babbitt / fatigue / MIG / bearing / microcrack
© AFM, EDP Sciences 2019
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