Open Access

Table 4

Comparison of results for the 3D Taylor impact test.

Model Incr. Time T/I (ms) T (°C) Lf (mm) Df (mm)
A-N-R 20 702 23 min 59 s 69.5 8.99 1507 26.42 12.07
N-N-R 20 834 24 min 38 s 70.9 9.04 1512 26.42 12.06
Direct 19 872 23 min 23 s 70.6 8.54 1500 26.47 11.95
VUHARD 22 498 24 min 46 s 66.1 7.53 1434 26.40 11.73
Built-In 22 671 22 min 44 s 60.2 7.67 1451 26.41 11.80

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