Open Access

Table 4

The number of load fluctuations of the piercing connector.

Serial number Vibration frequency (Hz) Number of load fluctuations (×107) Total maximum load fluctuation (×107)
1 15–19 1.0988 20.82
2 20–24 1.8293 92.78
3 25–29 2.6581 1026.58
4 30–34 3.5186 7518
5 35–39 4.3433 9832
6 40–44 5.0708 11906
7 45–49 5.6508 17362
8 50–54 6.0486 17766
9 55–59 6.2469 18960
10 60–64 6.2458 19178
11 65–69 6.0606 19216

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