Issue |
Mechanics & Industry
Volume 17, Number 2, 2016
Article Number | 205 | |
Number of page(s) | 14 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 01 February 2016 |
Stability analysis of a clutch system with multi-element generalized polynomial chaos
1 Laboratoire MIPS, Université de
Haute-Alsace, 12 rue des Frères
Lumière, 68093
Mulhouse Cedex,
2 INSA Centre Val de Loire, Université
François Rabelais, LMR EA 2640,
campus de Blois, 3 rue de la Chocolaterie, CS 23410, 41034
Blois Cedex,
a Corresponding author:
In the transmission systems of vehicles, unforced vibrations can be observed during the sliding phase of clutch engagement. These vibrations are due to frictional forces and may generate noise. Several studies have shown that the stability of such friction systems is highly sensitive to parameters (friction law, damping) which lead to significant dispersions. Therefore, uncertain parameters must be considered in the stability analysis of a clutch system. This paper investigates the ability of the multi-element generalized polynomial chaos to take an increasing number of uncertain parameters into account in the stability analysis of a clutch system: it focuses on accuracy, on the criterion for the choice of the order of truncation, on the criterion for the choice of the number of elements and on computation time. The objective is to propose a low-cost model of high accuracy, compared with the Monte Carlo method.
Key words: Clutch / friction system / uncertainties / mode coupling / stability / multi-element generalized polynomial chaos
© AFM, EDP Sciences 2016
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