Issue |
Mechanics & Industry
Volume 17, Number 5, 2016
Article Number | 505 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 June 2016 |
Automotive power window system design: object-oriented modelling and design of experiments integration within a digital pattern approach
University of Naples Federico II, Department of
Industrial Engineering, P.le V.
Tecchio 80, 80125
a Corresponding author:
The paper tackles an integrated use of object-oriented modelling (OOM) and design of experiments (DoE) to determine the performance of a double bowden power window system in order to accomplish the expected system performances during the preliminary designing phase and, therefore, by accelerating the product development process. A DoE has been carried out by using the power window model, developed in Dymola environment. The response surface method (RSM) and ANOVA analysis are used to identify the significant factors. Then, an empirical equation is derived. It predicts the main system response i.e. the stroke time, expressed as dependency related to the significant factors. Finally, the use of the empirical relation inside a design flow of a power window, based on digital patterns, is presented.
Key words: Mechatronic systems / digital pattern for product development / object-oriented modeling / design of experiments / power window systems
© AFM, EDP Sciences 2016
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