Issue |
Mechanics & Industry
Volume 20, Number 4, 2019
Article Number | 402 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 05 July 2019 |
Regular Article
Effect of the axial movement of misaligned journal on the performance of hydrodynamic lubrication journal bearing with rough surface
School of Mechanical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, PR China
School of Automotive and Transportation Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, PR China
Weichai Power Co., Ltd, Weifang, PR China
* e-mail:
Generally, the movement of journal along the direction of bearing axis under the combined action of various factors is neglected in the lubrication study of bearing, which is quite different from the actual working condition of bearing in the shaft-bearing system. In this paper, with a comprehensive consideration of the axial movement of journal, the surface topography of journal and bearing and the misalignment of journal, a new model about the hydrodynamic lubrication of misaligned journal bearing is established based on the average Reynolds equation. Considering the effect of the axial movement of misaligned journal, the lubrication characteristics parameters of rough journal bearing is presented and mainly discussed. The results show that the axial movement of misaligned journal has a distinct effect on the bearing lubrication characteristics. The influence of the axial movement of misaligned journal on the bearing lubrication characteristics is slightly reduced when considering the surface roughness.
Key words: Journal bearing / misaligned journal / axial movement / surface topography / hydrodynamic lubrication
© AFM, EDP Sciences 2019
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