Open Access

Table 5

Comparison of numerical and experimental stress and strain.

Run num. Numerical strain Numerical stress Error value of strain (%) Error value of stress (%)
1 0.17946 367.6256 3.3693 1.326635
2 0.10547 313.4736 39.24921 15.86142
3 0.17192 370.7315 0.974994 0.492974
4 0.10806 326.8042 37.75924 12.28339
5 0.08060 311.5478 53.57266 16.37833
6 0.17407 365.7394 0.263349 1.832888
7 0.17862 366.7714 2.884958 1.555897
8 0.17862 366.7714 2.884958 1.555897
9 0.17865 373.1339 2.905525 0.151825
10 0.18468 372.3264 6.374942 0.064913
11 0.10077 307.7683 41.95782 17.39278
12 0.18024 373.0779 3.817792 0.13681

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