Open Access

Table 2

Comparisons between the FEM and SP.

Num. πdesign ω (rpm) (kg/s) Strength prediction (MPa) Validation of 3D (MPa) Error
1 5.2 32000 6.0 346.186 345.539 0.187%
2 5.2 28500 6.5 316.811 315.471 0.425%
3 5.2 25000 7.0 281.518 284.435 1.025%
4 5.2 22000 7.5 250.781 244.239 2.678%
5 4.2 28500 6.0 299.889 297.813 0.697%
6 4.2 25000 6.5 265.506 272.541 2.581%
7 4.2 22000 7.0 239.356 239.427 0.030%
8 4.2 20000 7.5 222.617 223.548 0.412%

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