Open Access

Table 3

Analysis of the clamping force with the PID controller.

Test group Average diameter of trunk (mm) Clamping movement time (s) Maximum clamping force (N) Clamping damage length (cm)
1 45.6 3.42 659 55.2
2 44.8 3.57 627 51.6
3 48.2 3.76 694 52.6
4 53.4 4.26 786 47.9
5 52.8 4.59 825 48.9
6 55.4 4.36 843 42.7
7 58.7 4.97 962 24.6
8 60.3 4.86 1069 33.4
9 62.7 4.92 1012 25.4
Average   4.30 830.78 42.48

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