Open Access

Table 1

Optimization results of control parameters and objective functions for models K1–K4.

Optimization model K1–K4 Optimization parameters MSSA NSGA-II MOGOA
Control parameters λ1 0.055877511 0.055877511 0.055877511
λ2 −0.009776853 −0.009776853 −0.009776853
λ3 0.107055186 0.025448503 0.102001368
Objective function value m1 −383564.7256 −383565.9373 −383564.8042
m2 3789.181065 3822.222626 3791.028258
Control parameters λ1 0.20971211 −0.22576139 0.20971211
λ2 0.01549505 −0.16777051 0.01549505
λ3 0.11131884 0.11889576 0.31186633
Objective function value m1 −383562.1877 −383567.4744 −383558.6957
m2 19350.56471 24893.02383 17477.77948
Control parameters λ1 0.56055333 0.54620926 0.54620926
λ2 0.00917097 0.00917097 0.00917097
λ3 0.55613241 0.53995858 0.53272784
Objective function value m1 3653.557347 3650.632477 3650.030595
m2 13839.55037 13944.68548 13970.56956
Control parameters λ1 0.19115202 0.12094328 0.19115202
λ2 −0.00918123 0.00846505 −0.00918123
λ3 0.14426514 0.14426514 −0.12614374
Objective function value m1 −383561.9926 −383563.1471 −383565.7228
m2 3730.19846 3751.918888 3855.558338
m3 19191.59211 19929.21851 22796.68964

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