Open Access

Table 1

Random design variables properties.

Variables Symbol Distribution type Mean value Lower bound Upper bound
First stage module m1 Normal 2.5 1 10
Second stage module m2 Normal 3.25 1 10
First shaft diameter ds1 Normal 27.5 12 150
Second shatf diameter ds2 Normal 31.66 12 150
Third shaft diameter ds3 Normal 51.5 12 150
First stage gear width b1 Normal 15.26 10 120
Second stage gear width b2 Normal 21.85 10 120
Pinion1 number of teeth Z12 Normal 41 10 125
Gear1 number of teeth Z21 Normal 106 10 125
Pinion2 number of teeth Z22 Normal 32 10 125
Gear2 number of teeth Z31 Normal 94 10 125

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