
Call for Papers - Special issue on "Robotic Process Automation for Smarter Devices in Manufacturing"

Handling Editor

Pr. Abhijit Chandra
Iowa State University, Ames, USA

Guest Editors

Dr. Stephen S. Oyewobi
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Dr. Musa Ndiaye
The Copperbelt University, Zambia
Dr. Michael Okwori
Union College (NY), United States

Aims and Scope of the Themed Issue

Software robotics, commonly referred to as robotic process automation (RPA), is the application of automation technology to replicate human workers' backoffice operations, such as data extraction, form filling, file transfer, and so forth. Robots are used for high-accuracy, consistently-performed activities including cutting, drilling, and milling. The metal and plastic manufacturing industry now has more options because of their ability to accurately run and tend CNC machines. These robots adjust to the material they are working with, be it plastic or metal. Robots, computer-controlled machinery, and artificial intelligence are examples of programmable tools, systems, and technologies that are used in production to accomplish automation. Automation is most commonly utilised to free up human labour to focus on more highly skilled work by automating dangerous or repetitive tasks. IPA is made to support human workers by carrying out mundane, repetitive, and physical tasks that were previously done by people.

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA), and digital process automation (DPA) are the technologies combined in IPA. In essence, robots expedite procedures, reliably generate high-quality outcomes, and lower expenses. Robots are reliable and safe workers who don't need holidays, sleep cycles, or lunch breaks like humans do. Many different industries employ a number of automation tools these days. PLCs, PCS, robots, PACs (programmable automation controllers), and HMIs (human-machine interface) are used in manufacturing. SCADA systems and cloud-based technologies are used in process automation. DCS systems and field instruments are used for oil and gas. The five fundamental components of automated operations are automating robotic processes, data, business process management, automation tools, artificial intelligence, and robotic intelligence. Intelligent automation leverages multiple technologies to accomplish its capabilities. When it comes to automating commercial and organisational procedures, robotic process automation, or RPA, offers many benefits. In addition to these benefits, the complementing application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods and methodologies enables the RPA processes to be executed more accurately and accurately when it comes to information extraction, recognition, classification, forecasting, and process optimisation.

The use of Artificial Neural Network algorithms, Text Mining techniques, and Natural Language Processing techniques for information extraction and the ensuing process of optimisation and scenario forecasting to improve operational and business processes of organisations seems to extend the objectives of AI and improve the functionality of RPA tools. Although business process management is frequently used to enhance corporate integration, manufacturing processes have not yet seen the effects of this practice. In order to promote integration between business management and industrial operations, we put out the idea of unified process management. The proposal, which centres around a centralised process management system, is offered as an updated corporate architecture for computer integrated manufacturing. By assigning tasks to people and robots connected to the internet of things, the process management system may coordinate both business and operational activities. RPA systems are made to coordinate service workflows that automate laborious, rule-based, repetitive tasks. Within the linked enterprise, RPA brings automated workflows to maximise agility and resilience, while the cognitive Internet-of-things (CIoT) enables intelligent cyber-physical integration to boost ubiquitous operational intelligence. Based on the above, in the present Special Issue, we invite researchers to contribute original research articles and review papers that will approach the Robotic Process Automation for Smarter Devices in Manufacturing.

List of Topics Include but are not limited to the following:

  • Utilising robotic process automation to automate an operational process.
  • Achieving business success with robotic process automation.
  • Automation of robotic processes: developed abilities in the energy industry.
  • Advancing in the direction of robotic process automation via process analysis
  • A technique to enhance the robotic process automation lifecycle's first phases
  • Integrating robotic process automation (RPA) in auditing.
  • Intelligent apparatuses and machinery for sophisticated production.
  • An industrial application case for Cyber Physical Systems for a Smarter Society.
  • Applying cutting-edge manufacturing technology to more intelligent buildings.
  • Foundational pieces for implementing smart manufacturing.
  • Intelligent production using cyber-physical systems and other platforms.

Submission deadline extended to: 25th February 2025

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Mechanics & Industry Demonstrates Steady Progress with 21% Increase in Impact Factor

In the recently announced Journal Citation Reports™ from Clarivate, Mechanics & Industry celebrates a notable achievement, receiving a significant 21% increase in its Impact Factor, reaching 1.2. This marks the sixth consecutive year of advancement, highlighting the journal's growing recognition and significant role in advancing knowledge in the field of mechanics.

Call for Papers - Special Issue on ‘High fidelity models for control and optimization’

Guest Editors

Prof. Nicolas Moës
Centrale Nantes, France
Dr. Emmanuel Guilmineau
Centrale Nantes, France

Aims and Scope of the Themed Issue
This special issue aims to bring together the most significant contributions of the last French Congress of Mechanics CFM2022.

Submission deadline: February 28th, 2023

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Call for Papers - Special Issue on ‘History of matter: from its raw state to its end of life’

Guest Editor

Prof. Amine Ammar
Arts et Métiers - Angers, France

Aims and Scope of the Themed Issue
This special issue aims to bring together the most significant contributions of the last CFM 2022 in line with this history of matter. Various aspects of the life cycle will be considered.

Submission deadline: January 31th, 2023

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Call for Papers - Special Issue on ‘What’s up in … forming and mechanical joining of sheet metals?’

Guest Editor

Prof. Sandrine Thuillier
Université Bretagne Sud, France

Submission deadline extended to: May 31th, 2023

There has been an extraordinary activity around metal sheets for the last decades, mainly coming from the automotive industry and driven by the need to model the mechanical behavior up to necking and rupture, with the main aims of mass reduction and increased quality of the final product. The reliability of numerical simulations of processes like blanking, stamping, deep drawing, U- bending, mechanical joining by hemming, riveting, clinching, ... is based on the mechanical behavior of the materials, which are mainly steels and aluminium alloys and also copper and its alloys, titanium and magnesium alloys.

Aims and Scope of the Themed Issue
Nowadays, this tremendous activity described above, has slowed down a little bit and the aim of this special issue is to highlight the reached milestones as well as some new trends in forming and mechanical joining of sheet metals.

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Mechanics & Industry now indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and awarded the DOAJ Seal

We are pleased to announce that Mechanics & Industry (M&I) has just been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) where it joins over 16,500 other high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. These journals cover all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. In addition to the indexation, M&I has also been awarded the DOAJ Seal for “best practice in open access publishing”. This is a wonderful moment for M&I and comes only a few short months after it transitioned to full open access at the start of 2021.


2020 Journal Impact Factor: Another increase for Mechanics & Industry

Mechanics & Industry, the official journal of the Association Française de Mécanique (AFM), is pleased to share the good news that the Journal Citation Reports™, released recently by Clarivate Analytics, show its 2020 Journal Impact Factor™ has increased to 0.913. In addition, its current CiteScore is 1.7.


Mechanics & Industry, the official journal of the AFM, joins the open access movement

Paris, France, 14 October 2020:
EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that Mechanics & Industry, the official journal of the Association Française de Mécanique (AFM), will publish all articles open access from January 2021. M&I has been co-published in English with EDP Sciences since 2004 and is widely recognised and appreciated in its field.


Call for Papers - Special issue on "Advances of Junior Researchers in Aerospace Sciences"

Guest Editors

Prof. Joseph Morlier
Prof. Michael Kokkolaras
McGill University, Canada

Submission deadline extended to: 15th December 2020

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Mechanics & Industry article classified as ‘highly cited’ in Essential Science Indicators

An article from the EDP Sciences journals Mechanics & Industry has been recognised as a highly cited paper on Web of Science using data from Essential Science Indicators. Only the top 1% of articles achieve this status.

Essential Science Indicators, hosted on the InCites platform, collates data on highly cited papers and shares it with Web of Science from Clarivate Analytics. These papers sit within the top 1% of each of ESI’s 22 subject areas and are defined as “…this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.”

“The Onera elsA CFD software: input from research and feedback from industry” (Cambier et al., 2013) presents recent accomplishments regarding Onera elsA CFD software, from research and industry for a wide range of aerospace applications.

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