Issue |
Mechanics & Industry
Volume 17, Number 7, 2016
STANKIN: Advanced scientific studies and research in Mechanical Engineering
Article Number | 702 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 December 2016 |
Study of cutting properties and wear pattern of carbide tools with comprehensive chemical-thermal treatment and nano-structured/gradient wear-resistant coatings
Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”, 1
Vadkovsky per., Moscow
GSP-4, 127994, Russian
a Corresponding author:
The paper is focused on the challenges to improve the life of carbide cutting tools through the deposition of a modifying composite wear-resistant multi-phase complex on the working surface, formed on the basis of the developed comprehensive surface treatment. The developed wear-resistant complex contains complex carbides of hafnium, formed by preliminary alloying of the surface of the carbide, and multi-layered composite coatings on the basis of system titanium aluminum nitride ((TiAl)N), obtained by subsequent deposition. The paper includes studies of the complex structure of the wear-resistant complex to be deposited on the surface of the cemented carbide and studies of the mechanism of wear and cutting properties of carbide tools with the developed comprehensive treatment. The studies have shown that the application of the comprehensive surface treatment can increase the life of carbide tools by 3–3.5 times in comparison with the life of an uncoated tool and by two times in comparison with the life of carbide tools coated with standard titanium nitride (TiN).
Key words: Tool life / carbide / cutting tool / wear-resistant coating / surface modification
© AFM, EDP Sciences 2016
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