Open Access

Table 4

ANOVA for sound level.

Source Sum of squares DF Mean squares F value Prob > F
Model 164.47 5 32.89 36.88 <0.0001*
f 0.467 1 0.467 0.5235 0.4729
a 61.623 1 61.623 69.0814 7.479e-1*
V 0.934 1 0.934 1.0476 0.3112
Radius 52.215 1 52.215 58.5352 7.451e-1*
a*Radius 49.234 1 49.234 55.1929 1.621e-1*
Residuals 42.817 48 0.892    

*Significant at 95% confidence interval, Predicted R2: 0.82, Adj. R2: 0.81.

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