Issue |
Mechanics & Industry
Volume 22, 2021
Article Number | 30 | |
Number of page(s) | 17 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 April 2021 |
Regular Article
Real contact ratio and tooth bending stress calculation for plastic/plastic and plastic/steel spur gears
Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISAE-CNAM Lebanon, P.O. Box: 113 6175 Beirut, Lebanon
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Notre Dame University, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering 1’ Lebanese University, Tripoli, Lebanon
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This paper presents an iterative method for calculating the effective contact ratio and the bending tooth stress for a pair of plastic/plastic and plastic/steel spur gears with an involute profile. In this method, the pinion and the gear are modeled, at each moment of the mesh cycle, as equivalent springs in parallel undergoing the same displacement along the line of action. This leads to the calculation of the bending stress by taking into account the number of teeth initially in contact and those which enter in contact prematurely. We also investigate the influence of certain gear parameters, such as, the number of teeth, the pressure angle, and the module on the behavior of a pair of meshed gears. In addition, the variation of the bending stress at the tooth fillet is investigated for a pair of plastic/plastic and a pair of plastic/steel spur gears, in order to determine the critical configurations for which the bending stress is maximum. In general, the results obtained from the present method also show that the stress variation in plastic/plastic gears differs markedly from that in plastic/steel gears.
Key words: Plastic gears / spur gears / contact ratio / finite element modeling / bending stress
© T. Jabbour et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2021
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