Issue |
Mechanics & Industry
Volume 26, 2025
Article Number | 3 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 27 January 2025 |
Original Article
Adaptive backstepping control for electro-hydraulic servo system in extension sleeve press-fitting process of bearing pressing machine
Department of Electromechanical and Automobile, Chizhou Vocational and Technical College, 247100 Chizhou, China
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In the process of extension sleeve press-fitting of the bearing pressing machine, electro-hydraulic servo system of valve-controlled symmetrical cylinder (ESSVSC) is an important and critical control module, and its performance has a significant impact on the working accuracy of such equipment. People have proposed various related control algorithms. However, external disturbances and unmodeled dynamic factors are often inevitable in practical work and may produce significant influences on the performance of the control system. Existing researches on this issue remains to be enriched and the performance of related algorithms still needs further improvement. An adaptive backstepping control algorithm (ABCA) is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a mathematical model of the ESSVSC is established which takes into account external disturbances and unmodeled dynamic factors. Secondly, the adaptive backstepping controller is designed by using the backstepping algorithm, and the control law and adaptive parameter estimation law are given. The stability of the control system is also proved. The analysis results of the numerical examples show that the proposed algorithm can effectively suppress the adverse effects of typical external disturbances and unmodeled dynamic factors and maintain good control accuracy. The output displacement error of the proposed algorithm is smaller and the tracking performance is better. The control accuracy of our algorithm is improved by 48.33% and 94.76% compared to BSMCA and PID, respectively, which illustrates the rationality of the established mathematical model and the effectiveness of the algorithm. This work is expected to provide useful reference for improving the control performance during the pressing process of the extension cylinder and the algorithm design of ESSVSC.
Key words: Bearing pressing machine / electro-hydraulic servo system / valve-controlled symmetrical cylinder / adaptive backstepping control algorithm (ABCA) / traditional PID control algorithm (PID) / backstepping sliding mode control algorithm (BSMCA)
© H. Chen, Published by EDP Sciences 2025
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